I was thrown from our horse on Thursday and am feeling mighty bruised. I got the wind knocked out of me, with the impact across my upper back. Luckily, I fell in the one place still muddy on our driveway, and my hand print is there still....
The planet of sudden accidents is Uranus, and that crazy fool has been in my first house for years. Uranus is retro-ing over my Saturn (Aries) in the First, and I've seen a pattern of accidents with the great teacher (Saturn) over the years. At age six, the time of the first Saturn square, I took my brother's red Schwinn (with the boy's bar across the top) up to the steepest hill in our new neighborhood. It was the first day we were there. We had moved from a flat coastal island, to the North Georgia mountains. I raced down, and ended up falling on my chin -- my parents rushed me to the hospital for 17 stitches. Though I am hurting, I also feel the wake-up shock that comes with it. And the grounding, as Pluto is squaring my Sun-Saturn (square). Some energies were cracked open, and the back is associated with the unconscious. I cried a lot. Thursday night I felt waves of energy moving upward into my throat chakra and onward. I've been getting the Ace of Disks since I fell ..and find that meaningful.... It's a grounding, albeit a rather forceful one, to put attention on what's most important. The Disks in the Minor Arcana (of the Tarot) represent Earth; the Wands = Fire; the Swords = Air; the Cups = Water. The first card represents new ground (Earth); new inspiration (Fire); new wellsprings (Water) and new illuminations (Air). The One of Disks is the appearance of terra-firma - landing on fertile soil. I've been in bed part of the time, with my books and following new lines of research into the divine feminine. Lately, I've felt eager to stretch into new areas of knowledge, to learn and teach/mentor. Here's a wonderful image of the Ace of Disks (sometimes shown as Pentacles) from the Victorian Romantic Tarot.
Art (Tarot) Crowley and Lady Frieda Harris
I want to pop in and report having a solar-'ascension'-hangover all day. Mainly, it's an odd headache and burning sensation at the top of my head. The article below by Denise Le Fay has a great description of what it feels like. Ascension-related headaches, head pains & pressures. _"They’re strange pains like invisible laser beams that you feel and know exactly what angle they are entering your head at. The pain of them also moves around inside your head which normal headaches don’t do—at least not that I’ve ever experienced. Ascension headaches are about higher energies doing things, changing, expanding, merging brain halves or the brain Rewiring Process, upgrading the insides of our skulls and the different brain glands; the pineal, pituitary, thalamus, hypothalamus and whatever else we have in there that’s rapidly evolving and activating so we’re multi-dimensionally aware 5D beings." Between the geomagnetic storm in progress and the Full Moon/Eclipse tonight, there are rare and super stimulating energies in play.
Jupiter, as you know, tends to go BIG, and is in Gemini, along with other key planets, including the Sun. Be careful not to take in too much information, or exhaust yourself socializing this evening and weekend. I was out running errands earlier, and was tempted to put on my mp3 player that has various mind-expanding interviews on it. Instead, I decided I needed to make space, and just find some calm. Gemini is a very mental sign, which can turn into mania under a Full Moon. Add to that Uranus in Aries (rules the face/head), in its square to Pluto, and it's easy to let the mind run amok. I was doing grounding exercises to bring the energy from the crown -- and the point of overload -- through the chakras, as that felt right in the moment. Back in 2010, Le Fay, in the article from above, writes of Uranus going into Aries...."Imagine Uranian/Aquarian energies in your head now! Know that our brains/consciousness are and will be changing and evolving in extraordinary ways and rather quickly." That's where we are now! On top of the wild 'crazy genius' atmosphere, I wrote in the About article on the Full Moon, there's a Neptune square here, which can add up to impulsive, but hallucinatory thinking. Definitely NOT a night to experiment with altered states in a strange place with dangerous-cool people.... The trickster then, has a trunk of masks to wear this evening. It can be fun, to play and dance with reality, and this could be the tipping point so many are waiting for. The 100th monkey is activated, and we spontaneously rise and inhabit a new field of dignity, truth telling and cheering each other on. Yes! The Art card (above) relates to Sagittarius, but also has symbols of polarity (Gemini). This is a card of integrating different elements in a cauldron, dark and light, male and female. And the head (s) seem to be receiving energies from above. The primal creatures -- the wild untamed forces -- tend the cauldron, as fire and water are poured and there is a purifying fire below. I like this card for the Full Moon/Eclipse. And I hear crows making an alert through the forest. These are dramatic times! For some, there are outer quakes, for others, inner ones. With that, I bid you all a magical evening!
Druidcraft Tarot (c) Will Worthington
Matrix is a word from the Indo-European mter, or mother. It's the womb or place of forming -- the atmosphere of origins. There is always a more ancient matrix to ponder. The strength of the feminine is returning in many ways, for some. Still, I save my Mother's messages -- I can't imagine not hearing it anymore. Lady of the Beasts by Hrana Janto There are many ways to mother.... I feel like the Lady of the Beasts kind of mother.
Thoth Deck/Aleister Crowley & Lady Frieda Harris
I burned my first Tarot cards (the Thoth Crowley) at the Scorpio eclipse. Why? Many cards were missing, and it held the energy of obsession -- when I was dependent on my cards. I have another newer, large-size Crowley deck. I actually like the visual power of the Thoth minor arcana -- the elements are enough without a pictorial scene. I saved two -- The Tower and The Priestess. The Tower, the 16th Major Arcana, is the messenger of matrix busting. This card dropped out relentlessly on Monday Sept 10th, 2001 as sat in a matinee in Chelsea, NYC, trying to find escape from a sense of impending doom. I was feeling the waves of a close event -- a day that would change everything. It was the beginning of an initiation for me, the shattering of illusion to see the occult underpinnings of culture and shadow power. The Tower is about shattering times, when the glass enclosure breaks -- the one you didn't know you were in. It is about waking up. Shocking events designed to set in a new reality are one dimension of the Tower -- shock and awe. On a personal level, I'm relieved when this shows up, especially when I've been asking spirit for a breakthrough. Thoth Deck/Aleister Crowley/Lady Frieda Harris I've noticed The Priestess often appears in readings when women are undergoing a change to be self-directed. It's the profound shift from living by adapting to external demands, to establishing a direct line to their knowing voice. So often, we deny that voice, and adapt to the rhythms of others. It's often the training, even now -- subtly imprinted. The Priestess in a spread (upright) is a good sign that guidance is there -- within -- and to trust your instincts. It's a card of wisdom, and harmonizing different intel to make strong choices. It's been a week of taking risks, some growing pains and some momentum. I feel weird, but that's a sign of moving out of my comfort zone. I see room for change already, and will be altering my offerings in the week ahead. This is right for the moment, and it also feels like a transition to something not yet in view. Sandor and I are off to collect bees today! Enjoy your weekend.... |