Beyond the Senses Enchantment is in the air, or is it entrancement? A delusion could deepen its hold on your psyche or you could experience a bewildering disillusionment....before feeling freed from fear. And the title for this post describes the wide range of the Jupiter Pisces experience, which is in play to May 10th (and from the end of October to December 20th). Very special art work or music can take us to those heights where we might say it's sublime - we are elevated by encountering it. For me, Mozart's Requiem has always taken me there, Tchaikovsky's Hymn of the Cherubim is another. On the other hand, we can feel we are merely treading water in an ocean of mixed feelings and triggers, even when we are aware of the subliminal messaging hitting us from all sides. A subliminal campaign is meant to influence you beyond sensations or your awareness making it a sneak attack. Often it's very emotional, pulling on your natural empathy. Jupiter in Pisces is an optimal time to tune into subtle energies, as well as becoming aware of these sometimes subtle shapers of your consciousness. I see this as a great time for things like tuning into nature spirits and looking to nature for allies. In JRR Tolkien's The Two Towers, there's a point where after the battle of Helm's Deep, King Theoden is mystified when he realizes the Ents, the tree shepherds of the forest, have come to his aid. Gandalf tells him, "You are not without allies, even if you know them not." I have been exploring this, actually doing some tree hugging and meditation with the tree on the first page of this site. I've been observing trees, seeing how they make choices sometimes based on their ability to reach the sun - or just their unique choices. I've been talking with this one tree as an experiment. Interestingly, I found some edible jelly-like mushrooms on a branch after a storm that when I looked them up are called Tree Ear. I wonder if it's a message that the tree is listening. Another way to make the most of Jupiter in Pisces is to go big in your dream life. In The Way of Wyrd by Brian Bates, the sorcerer Wulf tells the visiting monk that anyone who dreams is participating in the magic. And that some of what we consider advanced in waking life such as leaving your body to visit others, happens in the dreamtime. Are there ways we can become more lucid with dreaming? Here's a discussion on lucid dreaming with Emma Farrell, a plant whisperer and healer in the UK. I heard a recent interview she did on the current attack on humanity and she mentions lucid dreaming there also. The Way of Wyrd is one I'll be reading again as the description of life force, the soul, and the spirit skin resounded with me as true. The sorcerer Wulf teaches his student to move along unseen fibers that take him to the spirit world. It's one of those classic books that illustrates the mystery in story, the best kind of spiritual novel that can have a subtly illuminating effect. The Lord of the Rings trilogy is also in that category, filled with trees that talk and like in our world today, encounters with both the lowest vibe characters and the highest vibe, almost ethereal, with the Elves. This stretch of time with Jupiter in Pisces can be one where a real life encounter with the mystery happens. And we can have that encounter paradoxically in the dreamtime or other altered states though carrying with them a sense of being 'real' that brings that can fill us with awe. Finally, Jupiter in Pisces can draw you toward the subjective and cloistered, where you have the protected space to dream and find meaning in the synchronicity of your life. It can be a time for re-sensitization and drawing firm boundaries with the kinds of media that scrambles your energy.
I know in my life, it's been an achievement to go beyond self-medicating to active creating, and that's been possible when I've beaten back the cultural demons that vie for my attention and give absolutely nothing in return. I hope you find your own oases in the current hysterical times, because there's a chance for accelerated growth if you look to the particulars - from the visible to the non visible - that make up both your waking and dream life.
Good tidings to you on this day of the longest night. I invite you to listen to a fireside chat I had yesterday with Tabitha of White Wellness on Mothers and Magic at Yule. We talked about the winter goddesses of the North, the wild spirit alive at this time, the blend of joy and melancholy, and the enchantment of the Christmas spirit. May you have moments of magic and peace with Mother Nature during this most sacred time of the year.
I'll be available to schedule readings after December 27th - email me at [email protected]. Mercury is in Retrograde from September 27 to October 18 Mercury's retrograde coincides so meaningfully with the shift seasonally to Libra, the sign of active engagement and also of responding to someone's words, energy or offer. Since the rollout of the new system of control in March of 2020, the offer has increasingly become a demand. No more carrot they have said, now comes the stick. Mercury's retrograde in Libra can be a time of reviewing what's happened and presenting the counteroffer or demand. With a lot of air energy now, there can be a social lift and sense of wanting to share what you're seeing, especially if you've held back. Or it can be a time of visioning the new future based on all that you've witnessed - what are your choices? It's such a historical moment, because the world government system is showing its true face and its plans to the wider public. I think this creates a huge open space for the courageous to step in when the time is right because the leadership is so clearly not on the side of the people. It's a time when those of conscience and the courageous can become shining examples. What's been on my mind lately is that Pluto (Capricorn) can relate to what people sometimes call "the new Earth." But the controllers have been hard at work over generations - it's a legacy establishment effort - creating a system of tyranny they think will be permanent - the final revolution. There are so many traps for the unwary now. With Mercury Rx in a square to Pluto, timing is everything. Sometimes it's better not to attract the eye (a la Lord of the Rings) and find ways to grow outside the encroaching system where possible. A square is a tension and the shadow of Pluto in this case is ruthless enforcement of a system that is full of literal dead ends. The retrograde period could be a time of coming to terms with that finality, to stop reacting to unreasonable demands, and instead draw something new out of the depths. ![]() Here's a quote I like for Mercury Rx (Libra) square to Pluto (Capricorn) from Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn: "If we wait for history to present us with freedom and other precious gifts, we risk waiting in vain. History is us - and there is no alternative but to shoulder the burden of what we so passionately desire and bear it out of the depths." Faith in the Future ![]() There's no reason to sugar-coat what's happening - it's the rollout of an enslavement system that is more invasive than any before it since they want to control your mind, body, and spirit. One challenge with the heavy final days of Pluto in Capricorn is that it's hard to see an alternate vision of the future. Our minds have been filled with dystopian visions all our lives. See if you can name one movie or TV show set in the future where folks are living in harmony with nature and high-trust is the norm. Maybe being a gen xer, I think of the overlay narrative like an overhead projector with laminates changed out regularly (like in the image to the left). The controllers say expect people to become a lot angrier by the end of 2021. First came the trauma programming, now there's provocations and the 'triggering' of anger. But that is only the surface story. (Image from artist Daniel Barrow of Winnipeg, Canada who uses old projectors in his artwork.) The depths we have to draw from are ancestral and also from our inherent sense of balance, fairness, and beauty. It's a good time to dial back the disruptive distractions and the habit of keeping track of the controller's narrative. I'll sometimes listen to NPR in the car, thinking I'm analyzing the narrative (always an infomercial for the medical products being pushed on everyone), but it crowds out the mind, making it harder to really see the possibilities. Here's a masterful challenge to the narrative from Yolande Norris-Clark called the Wellness Hag made on the day Mercury turned retrograde. She's an example of someone living beyond the narrative. "Rona is as real as you want it to be," she writes on her Instagram. As the agenda rolls on so long and is pervasive, it's easy to go along to get along. Thanks to Tabitha of White Wellness Radio for sharing that gem with me today. Here are some ideas for making the most of this retrograde: - Dial back one-on-one relationships that keep you mired in the chaos and drama. - Seek those that are open to that alternative vision, bounce ideas off each other. - Revive connections with those on your wavelength. - Stand in your truth and speak your mind while tuning into strategic timing. - Form associations and networks, small groups that can be a lifeline when needed. - Present a counteroffer or action and don't assume an authority has legal standing. The seasonal shift to Libra and onward can bring some balance to a very whack situation, as more finding their footing in this new reality. It's a time of standing in your own authority, being the author of your life, not allowing anyone else to hijack your timeline. It's thrilling to hear someone speak the truth in this age of deception. Kaypacha from New Paradigm Astrology takes a stand in his latest report with the mantra, "There is an attack now taking place, On the entire human race, If I ignore, avoid or deny it, I will live and die in disgrace." The Fall Equinox is here (September 22 at 3:20 EDT) since the Sun moves into Libra today, joining Mars right away for a buzzy vitality to start the season. Boom! I feel it, maybe because the Moon is also in Aries, the sign ruled by Mars. Libra is the sign of balance and fairness, and also of response. With a Mars-fueled Libra Sun, will those responses be impulsive and made out of fear or distortions? Or will they come from a place of hard-won clarity and truth? I see so much transgression of natural law and inalienable rights. With Libra holding the sword of justice, will we see passionate words spoken that are able to move others, awaken the fighting spirit? On the other hand, this could be a time of vitalizing the alternative path, the vision that's the one you've chosen for yourself. It could be less about resisting an oppressive force than going full force into establishing your equilibrium in a new reality. It's a great time to make friends on your wavelength - a family of frequency - or build mutually beneficial exchange networks. The Libra vibe is idealistic and one that tends toward high standards. If you've been thrown for a loop, knocking you back into low vibe habits, what are the ways you can find your footing again? After the purification of Virgo comes the light-bearing Libra force that cuts through the complexity and acts on strong choices. I like keeping a daily kundalini practice because it's a way to know I'm growing my light every day. It's easy to be dragged into the negative chaos and drama, then to coping mechanisms and a downward spiral. Having a daily practice like that keeps that sense of doom away, that things are getting worse and worse. In one area, I'm getting better, growing my light, no matter what else is going on. Season of the Soul I love this quote from the philosopher Nietzsche, “Notice that autumn is more the season of the soul than of nature.” For me, it's a relief when the season changes, because of how dang hot and humid it is here, though it won't become cooler for a few weeks yet. It tells me 'cozy time' is around the corner, and it's also time to shed all that's keeping me off balance.
Fall is a reflective time, all the more when Mercury goes into retrograde from September 27 to October 18, the whole time in Libra. Maybe it's because I was born during Mercury retro, but I like it, and expect this one in Libra could bring out stories that balance things out. So much is askew because voices are being censored if they don't fit a tight narrative. The culture is inverted in many ways, and a Libra retrograde can be one where we see what's been downplayed or distorted, and come to a new perspective. It's the start of the season of the soul, so I find that a reason enough to celebrate. It's a time of welcoming the dark and getting cozy with the timeless self that wanes with the Sun, only to reemerge in the spring. In a time of so much distraction and stress, the equinox and turning of the seasons can remind us of that natural clock that continues on and on. For those that want to stay on the natural path, it's key to look at the big picture and the motives and you could even say theology of those behind the current technocratic transition coming at us fast. The belief is that this is the next stage, one that 'transcends' the human experience. I believe in transhumanism: once there are enough people who can truly say that, the human species will be on the threshold of a new kind of existence, as different from ours as ours is from that of Peking man. It will at last be consciously fulfilling its real destiny. —Julian Huxley, first Director-General of UNESCO Here's a great big picture discussion of transhumanism from Tabitha and Jason: White Wellness Radio: Evading the End Game Part I Some of the topics they cover: Gaming, avatars, industrial diets, degeneration of the generations, pufa's, the importance of race, Hollywood representations of Whites, zogbots and the lack of independent thinking, singularity and aggregation, feelings vs. facts, saving yourself, natural vs. synthetic life, influencers, the folk soul, tentacles of transhumanism, 5G and 'pandemics,' geoengineering, brain machine interface (BMI), and more. And here's a link to part II of Evading the End Game. Now that the end game stage is here, I see why I'd sometimes come across this idea that we are biocomputers that can be programmed, which is sold as upgrades. I sensed some kind of programming agenda, but only scratched the surface of the culture/mind control that's been a part of our culture for 100 years, but aggressively since the end of the last world war. If the agenda is dehumanization, the remedy is staying heart-centered - courageously human. Natural Magic In my own life, I'm experiencing a kind of apocalypse of the self, with so much that's been subconscious rising to the surface of my awareness. It's making me wonder if this is a time of great clearing and possibility, a time when it's easier to see how we create our own reality. I see so many of the patterns that have been locked up in the shadows, which is both humbling and kinda exciting.
For the heretics, the ones choosing the natural life, could we rediscover some of the lost arts that our overwhelming world has drowned out? That would start with trusting the body and its ability to transmute toxins and keep us healthy when we treat it well. The Entrancing Overlay ![]() Awareness of techniques being used to sell a product or new system help you make better choices. This hypnotist broke down what he sees happening with one school district to sell the current agenda, including hypnotic induction, NLP, and the use of imagery (see the broken heart used for the mother's mouth). His diagram shows that the more an ad or agenda roll out plays on your emotions, the deeper it can hook into your subconscious mind. The controllers use fear imagery to tap into survival fears, fear of death, or other kinds of emotions like guilt and even love. I've been interested in social engineering for a long time now, but really think more are aware since the roll-out of various agendas throughout 2020 and into this year. The knowledge of it and how it affects us on different levels really breaks the spell and helps each of us make better choices. Real Life Miracles Look at how the week begins with a grand trine in earth to ground you, along with the Virgo-Pisces axis totally vitalized with Mars and the Sun. I see a lot of possibilities here, especially if someone is adapting to shifts with livelihood or living situation. A sense of devotion or calling could help you realize your next steps. Asking for divine guidance could help you feel more in the flow, able to take small steps that feel like an investment in something that makes sense.
The grand trine connects Pluto, the Sun-Mars, and Uranus in a wide triangle, but one that can be fortifying or help you establish something that requires a lot of intense effort. You might find it's easier to make decisions because you can suss out the cause and effect of a lot of what's in play now. The earth sign energies help you to be realistic and even factor in the breakdown of the economy or tensions with the agenda roll-out. You can envision using your practical awareness the best place to be, for example. On another note, with a lot of people hitting walls due to the agenda, it's a time when new structures and associations could be established apart from that. It can seem impossible to create outside the existing structures, but it could be a time when like-minded people are motivated, which can cause things to happen quickly. Sensible means to be prudent and wise in your decisions, not rush into things out of emotion, especially fear. It's especially amped up here in Virgo season with Mars adding some juice and endurance. With Neptune in opposition, it can seem like reality itself is changing or up in the air and dependent on the mood of the moment. If there's a lot of uncertainty, little wholesome steps or grounding kinds of activities can help sooth the worries of the mind and heart. This amazing image comes from T.-C on Flickr and was taking along the Jiancing Historic Trail in Taipingshan National Forest in Taiwan. Where there is no map... The photograph above reminds me so much of these 'end times' when some of the routes that seemed so fixed and dependable before are not looking so stable these days. The later degrees of Pluto in Capricorn continue to bring breakdown, which can seem final and devastating, but there will be new life and pathways. Our instincts and intuition can lead the way now, but if those are atrophied, we might need to strengthen them day by day. Protection Against Mind Viruses “Indeed, it is becoming ever more obvious that it is not famine, not earthquakes, not microbes, not cancer but man himself who is man’s greatest danger to man, for the simple reason that there is no adequate protection against psychic epidemics, which are infinitely more devastating than the worst of natural catastrophes.“ Carl Jung – The Symbolic Life It's cheering to see such a line-up of energies in the days leading to the Autumn Equinox on the 22nd. I see the Sun and Mars (in purifying Virgo) in an opposition to spiritualizing Neptune (in dissolving Pisces). There are also so many planets in Libra (Mercury among them) to elevate our thinking and inspire visions for alternatives to the dystopia that's on offer. I'm starting to really find my feet again and invest with more commitment in the natural path. I'm seeing it as a challenge now to find new ways to celebrate true well-being and to curate my own experience. It's a great time to purge what's no longer relevant from your life, such as old files from the computer. Make space on your bookshelf or in your closet by passing on what you've already read or no longer wear. Don't rush to fill the empty space - let a fresh breeze blow through. One Day at a Time For those choosing the natural path, the future is not set in stone. It helps me in this time of mania and uncertainty to focus on the day at hand. Other things I find helpful are having a practice in the morning (kundalini yoga and meditation), writing in a gratitude journal every day, and staying away from sites that I know stir up my angst about the future. This last one is trick since knowledge has helped me make wise choices, but you likely know when it's 'doomscrolling,' becoming too much and self-destructive.
I'm excited to report that yet another black kitten (this is my fourth) has showed up on our farmlet. I've named him Barry, short for the Black Fairy. I'm also seeking to broaden my skills in trauma counseling with courses and readings on my own. I'll be adding content here as this experiment continues, with the intent to share inspiration and find kindred spirits along the way. Feel free to leave a comment or email me at [email protected]. I'd love to hear from you!
I'm finding that things like Twitter and the various psychological programs in play have that centrifugal force, and like many, I'm looking for ways to stay sane and stay myself. In my book Shapeshifter, I looked at the rise of social engineering to fracture and cut the roots of culture, with the agenda to absorb souls into the various hive minds. The depersonalization so many feel comes in part from this very thing. Who is the "I" within an increasingly fake and programmed reality? In his final book, Autobiography of Values, Aquarian aviator Lindbergh described how he sought that balance between being a public persona and someone who needed solitude and nature. His travels gave him a whole-world perspective, and standing in the ruins of Greece, he thought about how the loss of wisdom often leads to the end of a civilization. I think we all know that doom scrolling on social media doesn't lead to wisdom, and the remedy is to be that person that can find time to think, ponder, and to let all the fragments we take in digest what we're seeing, form our own viewpoint. To go beyond being reactive, to be active with our minds and guard our own individuality. Yet with America and the world in an epic crisis, it seems important to engage and speak up for nature and freedom. I see the battle being between nature and anti-nature, and in its finest moments, America has been a champion of natural inalienable rights. More and more though, we see how America is being absorbed into the global governance system, and we as individuals are here for a reason - each of us surely has a role to play. America is in its Pluto return (according to the original chart of 1776), so let's consider the true bird of this nation, the Phoenix. Pluto can sometimes lead to an ordeal, possibly over many generations like the original time, until all that's false, dead, and not in harmony with nature, falls away. Will America break out of the trap that's been set for generations and rise from the ashes? Back to Lindbergh, he was born on February 4, 1902,and after his pioneering flight (in 1927) from New York to Paris, he flew across a forested and wild America and the world. He became aware that the advances of flight were leading to the loss of untouched places. He writes of early flights with an open cockpit, touching clouds, feeling the air and moisture, and then seeing planes turn into comfortable enclosed seats apart from the reality of the elements. "As civilization advances, man grows unconcious of the primitive elements of life; he is separated from them by his perfection of material techniquest. He keeps insulating himself with a compication of devices that increase his security but also surpress his senses. He forgets that he is a naked animal subject to the natural forces of earth and universe." He's a fascinating Aquarian thinker, being both an innovator, a free speaker (even at great cost to himself), and someone who like his father before him, had visions of what was to come. Even as a young man, he saw the rise of a synthetic culture in America, and had a unique perspective - his summers were spent on the family farm in Minnesota, his school year in Washington D.C. where his father was a congressman. His father, Charles Augustus Lindbergh, was also a man with a vision into the future, and one of the few who had the courage to confront what he called The Money Trust. I've thought lately about how along with a Deep State there's also been a Deep Great - heroes that saw beyond right and left and the politics of the moment and stayed true to their vision. Whatever happens to the America some of us value, there are values that are timeless and will live on, just as the deeds of great men (and women) live on. A friend of me and my husband's died recently from lymphoma, and a few days before that, I had a dream about him and I just knew he would be passing away soon. He was driving us in his new 'vehicle' that could bounce over mountains and skip across lakes, and we were laughing with him at his new boundless freedom. I'm grateful for these kinds of experiences that show me that our consciousness is timeless and able to draw from eternal places. Lindbergh the younger wrote: Dream, thought, and vision are not restricted by bonds of time and space. Our individuality is universality condensed in a cosmic moment. Death is no more than the stuff of substance transposing to the stuff of dream. When that centrifugal force narrows us to a point ever smaller, we lose that panoramic AND timeless view of ourselves as eternal souls. Our powerful ability to shape our lives through visions and dreams is our way out of dystopian scenarios. The ability to think critically keeps you from being absorbed in the latest trending hysteria. You can find your highest view, even if that is at odds with the masses. And with so many planets in Aquarius, the visionary sign beyond labels and even time, we can draw some high vibes from the cosmos and be restored in nature of which we're a part. I saw a great quote recently, "We are not defending nature. We are nature defending itself."
And to add to the buzz, Mercury will be going retrograde from January 30th to February 20th, so what a great time to clear the psyche of mind viruses and toxic programming. We could see exhilarating declarations of independence from surprising people and places. Already we're seeing alliances forming to break the grip of the enslavement agenda (like in Italy, Poland), and some communities are using innovations like local currencies to help their struggling citizens. We hear a lot about people being woke or waking up, but shaking off programming can be unsettling and also freeing, just like the vibe of Aquarius' ruler Uranus. New ways to organize society could be hatched, as don't forget, Aquarius' other ruler is Saturn. Aquarius is the air sign of fresh air, wind in your sails, feeling part of a vitalized group, a shared effort. It's also a sign of friendship, high ideals, and ruling principles, and the 11th Hour uniting to overcome whatever lies ahead. It's the most auspiciously supernatural time of the year, but sometimes I'm haunted by the ghosts of Samhains past, reminding me of times of being spiritually unmoored and vulnerable to energetic predation. My thoughts turn to being in all kinds of ritual circles when living in San Francisco, many anchored in the all-you-can-eat new age buffet with the main event the annual Spiral Dance. The Spiral Dance was culturally lifted from a European tradition whose remnant can still be seen in the Chain Dance of the Faroe Islands. Also, here's an image from the Netherlands circa 1939 of what's called the Serpent-Labyrinth dance. While not a tradition that lines up with Samhain in the Faroe Islands, the tradition shows what likely used to be widespread in Europe and involved the whole community. Just imagine the energetic power, the currents moving through as ballads are sung that tell the story of the folk. Super and NaturalFor those that love the time of the thinning veil and all things mysterious, this upcoming Taurus Full Moon looks set to deliver. Smack dab on the 31st, it's beckoning those of us that want to find something authentic beyond all the election triggering and doom and gloom of the mainstream death cult. The fork in the road or bifurcation is real - some seem to be succumbing to the delusion while others are seeking to live outside it. The choice is between the natural and the artificial, as it has been for some time. The other choice seems to be between some sense of health and chronic dis-ease.
What's notable is that the scrambler or genius-striking planet Uranus will be aligned with the Moon and that means directly opposite the Scorpio Sun. In my dreams, people spontaneously shake off the artificial rules being imposed from the top-down and realize the urgent need to authentically re-root in nature and its cycles. For each person, it could be taking steps to create natural abundance or realizing there's a path of freedom (also a Uranian theme) beyond some kind of hold on the psyche (Scorpio). I also think some might see the image in the mirror change with Mercury in Libra (still retrograde). It seems like a fine time to clear the air in a relationship and change together. Or the events of the past could be seen in a new light, which helps with the letting go which happens this time of year to make room for the new. I had made a recording for this post, but realize Spreaker charges for more storage, so I will take that as a sign to take a breather from making audios. Thank you to those that listened, and I wish you a wonderful Halloween / Samhain. |