Mercury is in Retrograde from September 27 to October 18 Mercury's retrograde coincides so meaningfully with the shift seasonally to Libra, the sign of active engagement and also of responding to someone's words, energy or offer. Since the rollout of the new system of control in March of 2020, the offer has increasingly become a demand. No more carrot they have said, now comes the stick. Mercury's retrograde in Libra can be a time of reviewing what's happened and presenting the counteroffer or demand. With a lot of air energy now, there can be a social lift and sense of wanting to share what you're seeing, especially if you've held back. Or it can be a time of visioning the new future based on all that you've witnessed - what are your choices? It's such a historical moment, because the world government system is showing its true face and its plans to the wider public. I think this creates a huge open space for the courageous to step in when the time is right because the leadership is so clearly not on the side of the people. It's a time when those of conscience and the courageous can become shining examples. What's been on my mind lately is that Pluto (Capricorn) can relate to what people sometimes call "the new Earth." But the controllers have been hard at work over generations - it's a legacy establishment effort - creating a system of tyranny they think will be permanent - the final revolution. There are so many traps for the unwary now. With Mercury Rx in a square to Pluto, timing is everything. Sometimes it's better not to attract the eye (a la Lord of the Rings) and find ways to grow outside the encroaching system where possible. A square is a tension and the shadow of Pluto in this case is ruthless enforcement of a system that is full of literal dead ends. The retrograde period could be a time of coming to terms with that finality, to stop reacting to unreasonable demands, and instead draw something new out of the depths. ![]() Here's a quote I like for Mercury Rx (Libra) square to Pluto (Capricorn) from Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn: "If we wait for history to present us with freedom and other precious gifts, we risk waiting in vain. History is us - and there is no alternative but to shoulder the burden of what we so passionately desire and bear it out of the depths." Faith in the Future ![]() There's no reason to sugar-coat what's happening - it's the rollout of an enslavement system that is more invasive than any before it since they want to control your mind, body, and spirit. One challenge with the heavy final days of Pluto in Capricorn is that it's hard to see an alternate vision of the future. Our minds have been filled with dystopian visions all our lives. See if you can name one movie or TV show set in the future where folks are living in harmony with nature and high-trust is the norm. Maybe being a gen xer, I think of the overlay narrative like an overhead projector with laminates changed out regularly (like in the image to the left). The controllers say expect people to become a lot angrier by the end of 2021. First came the trauma programming, now there's provocations and the 'triggering' of anger. But that is only the surface story. (Image from artist Daniel Barrow of Winnipeg, Canada who uses old projectors in his artwork.) The depths we have to draw from are ancestral and also from our inherent sense of balance, fairness, and beauty. It's a good time to dial back the disruptive distractions and the habit of keeping track of the controller's narrative. I'll sometimes listen to NPR in the car, thinking I'm analyzing the narrative (always an infomercial for the medical products being pushed on everyone), but it crowds out the mind, making it harder to really see the possibilities. Here's a masterful challenge to the narrative from Yolande Norris-Clark called the Wellness Hag made on the day Mercury turned retrograde. She's an example of someone living beyond the narrative. "Rona is as real as you want it to be," she writes on her Instagram. As the agenda rolls on so long and is pervasive, it's easy to go along to get along. Thanks to Tabitha of White Wellness Radio for sharing that gem with me today. Here are some ideas for making the most of this retrograde: - Dial back one-on-one relationships that keep you mired in the chaos and drama. - Seek those that are open to that alternative vision, bounce ideas off each other. - Revive connections with those on your wavelength. - Stand in your truth and speak your mind while tuning into strategic timing. - Form associations and networks, small groups that can be a lifeline when needed. - Present a counteroffer or action and don't assume an authority has legal standing. The seasonal shift to Libra and onward can bring some balance to a very whack situation, as more finding their footing in this new reality. It's a time of standing in your own authority, being the author of your life, not allowing anyone else to hijack your timeline.
10/19/2021 03:57:36 pm
Thank you. Blessings for your thoughts, sharings and writing.
10/20/2021 07:13:53 am
Elle, your encouragement is everything. Thank you.
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