Being Authentic is Hard...because the "society" encourages the creation of a false self, an avi, while all kinds of programming creates fog and inversion - the artificial is elevated, even in the strangely sterile trumpeting of "artificial intelligence.". The intent to get real, though, is powerful in 2020 and Jupiter is an ally in Capricorn, the earth sign of being the author of your own life. What's hot - commonsense, traditions, meritocracy, wisdom (not smarts), honor, strength.
It makes sense that an establishment with slavery in mind seeks to undermine and cut those roots to deep ancestry. The two main roots of our identity - race and biological sex - are the target of intense and relentless programming now, the likes of which I've never seen before. The aims behind these actually have theological roots, the end goal is transhumanism and a monoculture that is the dream of those in power. The distractions du jour are political theatre and project fear - these harvest your energy...remember that old saying, "Energy flows where attention goes." I've found a rich path of growth in something I've always been interested in - the history of my lineage, the European peoples. I see race as an expression of nature, so the establishment's attack our people face now is like trying to rid the world of the great oak tree or hunt down the last lion. It is natural for European people to be centered in their own culture, to be "eurocentric," just as it is for any racial lineage. The coming together of Jupiter with Saturn (structure) and Pluto (death and rebirth) later this year is a chance to grow from the authentic roots of ancestry. The whole year has a very Jupiter-Saturn-Pluto in Capricorn feel to it, but the final exact alignment will be on November 21st. Many of us are being swept up into something "bigger than ourselves," which makes sense with Capricorn being a sign of society, traditions, shared harvests, preserving for future generations, authority over your own life. We're in a kind of end game, one that demands we go along with a ritual of dependence and dis-ease. A lot of what's happening now could be considered the consolidation phase of global control, a vision that has been long in the making. We can invest in another path by retracing our steps to times when our people were strong and had power in their own lands. Along those lines, I really enjoyed this audio from Nordisk Radio - An Introduction to Indo-Europeans. Jupiter has been supported by dreamcatcher Neptune with a sextile (a lesser trine) all year, and October 14 heralds another exact alignment. It's a good time to dream with the senses, with water and earth coming together. In the autumn, maybe that kind of evocative mood can be set with the aromas of the season. It's a great time to rest, which is hard for many of us (myself included), but only in those deeper relaxed states do we see the buried treasures rise to the surface of our minds.
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