![]() _The rift between realities is growing larger -- into great echoing canyons. Know what I mean? This article I've Had Enough by astrologer Robert Hitt nails the spooky factor of watching it happen. It's worth a read.... From Robert Hitt: "So the lunar eclipse on may 25th is in an EXACT SQUARE to Neptune.. the planet of liquids which rules the sea. I do NOT BELIEVE IN FATE but I do believe in certain types of energy building up on the timeline which at some point gets triggered by the astro.. In the most basic of delineations the lunar eclipse at end of May is indicating an almost COMPLETE separation from reality because a core Neptune principle is related to DELUSIONS..." This month sets in a "reality" -- a world view. The next eclipse is in the sign of philosophy and visions for the future -- Sagittarius. The stakes are high with Uranus and Pluto meeting in exactness on May 20th at 11 Aries-Capricorn. The stakeholders who profit handsomely from military conflict and the security state are going for it. Meanwhile other humans are choosing a world of plenty, creative experimentation, wholesome living and loving thy neighbor. Jupiter is the carrot on the stick, leading us to grow and feel optimistic -- like we're on the right path. Jupiter is in the sign of the twins (one sane, the other the evil twin?) Jupiter Gemini for me creates a phenomenon of being able to see how events shape different realities, based on the mind receiving them. Twitter is a very Gemini medium. After a media event, my stream has tandem narratives. "My heart goes out to (fill in the blank)" on one side. Well-known astrologers running charts for the alleged perps who are really young patsies caught up in something much, much bigger than they are. On the other, the first evidence that things are not as they seem. A gift of Jupiter Gemini is a third vantage point -- the observer's perch. What comes to mind is the writer Les Visible's mantra that what's happening now, in the age of Kali Yuga is for purposes of demonstration. It's freeing to see and read between the lines.
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