I recently saw a documentary on the heart that had me in tears toward the end, and reminded me of something big. It's called Heart vs Mind - What Makes us Human?
A really handsome reporter seeks to answer the question about which is more important, the mind or the "little brain," the heart. In his intro, he proposes that instead of becoming a soulless culture, we've become a heartless culture. He looks at the Ani papyrus (above) at the British Museum, with the Egyptian theology of weighing the heart against a feather, representing Ma'at or the goddess of truth. I've always found this compelling, and it got me wondering about the price we pay for living a lie. Even when we're only unconsciously succumbing to programming that's part of the culture of deceit. This Leo eclipse is one to break through entrancement or thought matrices that are not aligned with the heart. A big one at the moment is the divide and conquer political reality show that's wasting a lot of peoples' vital energies. I see the constant newsfeed of division, including race baiting, as a tactic to keep people from looking at the continuity of a more long term plan unfolding. As American Indian Movement leader Dennis Banks said in an interview I did with him back when Obama got in, same train tracks and destination, different conductor. He talked back in 2010 about how young people "went to sleep, very complacent...Internet savvy, Twitter savvy, Facebook savvy and that's where their social interaction is, and in the meantime, the reality is going on in this country and nobody is saying anything about the war." This is also good commentary in my opinion - Trump's New World Order. It's a trap that's been created, for this phase of a long range plan. On the upside, the unveiling continues, with more awakening to what's fake, and that can lead to a more freer, more authentic way of living. One of my favorite resources for developing the critical thinking skills to know what's true and what's false is Jan Irvin's Gnostic Media. It's been an important part of my own journey to realize that as Irvin says often "mysticism is the tool of tyrants," and even what we know as the New Age has shadow players and goals in it. There was a time when I was very steeped in magical thinking, and that, like virtual reality-based living, is one way to lose touch with physical reality. If there's a role for me to play as an advisor now, it's likely to be to help others build confidence in their knowledge and to help suss out their own truthful path in the real, nature-based dimension. Leo Blast of Sunshine This Leo eclipse (23 degrees) is symbolically a blast of sunlight, to give a charge to what's true. Fire, fevers, the Sun -- these all burn off the foggy confusion. The Sun and Moon sync with sparky Uranus Aries for outbursts that are perhaps long overdue. The luminaries are also at a fine angle to Saturn in truth telling Sagittarius. Chaos is a trigger word being used by the psy-op media. But if chaos is the atmosphere we find ourselves in, let's create our own natural order, based on the heart, and its knowing. Breaking the Spell The Leo Eclipse is a blast of the Sun and living color. It can break the trance of the seductive and enveloping virtual, largely synthetic culture, that's grabbing so much of our attention. In an article called Trapped in the Net, David Thrussel writes on the Obesity of the Mind: "In the clamour to advertise in every mental space (and monetise every social interaction), we are fast losing the room to think, be creative, be playful – to ponder." That's exactly what the Leo eclipse breaks open -- the room to be creative, playful and to ponder. To scramble a habit that has you jumping online or staying hooked in to the virtual distractions all day. I can't say I don't struggle with this myself, because I live in a rural place, and the 'net is my bridge to the wider world. Sometimes I really do feel addicted. The net has changed my life and allows me to work from home and connect with folks from around the world. How amazing is that? And yet, I know instinctively that something profound has been lost since I was young and it has to do with the de-animation of real life. My husband and I watched this video last night by a young guy called The Lie We Live about this very thing. A message of the video (which has images of factory farming, so caution is advised) is that we each have a choice and we can choose to break the entrancement. The only thing I take issue is the familiar blaming of humanity for doing this to ourselves. Yes, there is choice, and yet, there are massively empowered forces at work driving humanity toward these calamities for their own "order out of chaos" ends. The Real and the Unreal I'm definitely at a crossroads with this very theme, as I spend less time online and more time preparing for the produce stand we're planning on the farmlet. I'm also going into my third season of bird rehabbing and have an expanded aviary for doves. I also plan to shift away from astrology, and it abstractness, in sessions. I'm not sure yet how that will take shape. In all honesty, I've never seen myself as an astrologer, and it's time that it take its rightful place as a thoughtful add-on, or astrology lite. Yes, I know astrology to a certain level, but I see it as a energetic matrix to be considered loosely, not as the end all be all. See that image below? That's me and astrology with Saturn crossing my Midheaven, ending a phase. And yet, I have a strong sense of wanting to serve, to be a guide and use my experience and knowledge in this way. It's cathartic to be truthful -- that I'm an astro lightweight, and a heavyweight when it comes to a passion for truth, and living it. I think my gifts are to do with awakening the inner knowing, and helping others live their truth, particularly with life calling. I'll be looking at a simple way to change what I'm offering by Spring Equinox. So 'til next time, thank you for your very valuable attention, and I welcome comments or questions below.
2/7/2017 04:49:50 am
Thank you! That describes what I've been feeling but unable to put in words. It's so freeing.
2/7/2017 09:35:09 am
Hi Sylvia,
2/9/2017 01:35:39 am
Thank you!!! Just checking : ) !
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