![]() _I found this spot on, and inspiring from M. Kelley Hunter (from her newsletter). GEMINI SUN-MOON square CHIRON in PISCES "This is an “out-of-the-box” activation where the edges of reality dissolve into a kaleidoscope of possible outcomes, like a crossroads with many paths to follow, psychedelic or psychotic at their extremes. “The Earth is as we Dream it,” say the shamans. Let us "Imagine," along with John Lennon, the New Dream, not the nightmare that has been promoted by the greedy power-hungry. Let's turn our face to the light, to a more compelling vision. It is a choice, and it takes work to continually pull our minds back to the positive wavelength. This might be the most important piece of work we are doing, no matter what circumstances we find ourselves in." I bolded that last line....this is my moment-by-moment practice today. Tropical storm Andrea gave our garden a whooping - some tomatoes and eggplants are tilting. Last while, I've felt pulled in many directions, but without a whole lot of steam for an overall mood of ennui. Hunter notes on the Neptune-Mars square at this Gemini New Moon: "This combination could lead to some (maybe lots of) confusion and frustration about what to do. It is wise to take time to deeply relax and tune in to our inner guidance, so that anxiety and nervous tension doesn't lead to angry reactivity or Neptunian escapism that further impairs our clarity. Take a break and do some deep breathing when you feel the tension." _ The Gemini New Moon is a little over an hour away, but I had to share this with you all.... I'm feeling a lot of what she described, and instead of fighting it....well, perhaps I'll gather materials for a collage....
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