I'm experimenting with a new mode, with the above spontaneous audio on the August energies. And as part of what I'm calling "getting my act together," I'm going to share trends and tips here, that merge the practical survival side, with the bigger picture of shifting consciousness. I've updated the Readings page, and hope it clears up any confusion about the sliding scale. Here on the farmlet, August is a time when the weeds win out, and the sunflowers are downcast. I'm a bit sun-baked and we live without a/c, which has inspired my Mom to put our names out to her prayer circle! The heat this time of year drives us to the edge of our patience, here on the farmlet. But the Sun is in Leo, the sign of vitality and self-sourced pulses of generosity. It comes naturally. I like this from Elaine Kalantarian of Blue Moon Astrology.: "The Sun can't help but shine that's its nature, which is why many Sun-ruled Leos are so generous. It's a different kind of generosity, however, from the water signs, as Liz Green aptly pointed out, in that "the giving comes not from a response to the needs of others, but from a need to give out one's own light." Leo's generosity is not sacrificial, Green tells us, "because it springs from one's own inner necessity, not from someone else's requirements." Everything's changed because I've woken up, and continue to wake up. And part of that means doing readings in a new way. Articles Mentioned (in the audio): Julian Rose on "Seizing Control of Our Destinies" "The time has come for all awakening individuals to hone a definite life strategy. A strategy that puts us in the driver's seat and empowers us to set a new course – one imbued with creative inventiveness, courage and mutual support." Zen Gardner on Transcending the Parasitic Fear Agenda "We need to see through the media storm and all the accompanying garbage they’re emanating, and avoid getting contaminated by it. It’s spiritual fly paper and one thing can easily lead to another if we get on the wrong track or vibration, taking in useless, toxic information or seemingly innocuous so-called entertainment. They’ve loaded it all up with hitchhiking energies so we need to be extra vigilant." "Laura Bruno on Should I Leave the Country?
I wrote this in April 2013, but now, fifteen months later, waves of people are beginning to ask me again, “Should I leave the country?” I hold by my comments in this earlier post, just noting that the fifteen months that have already passed represented crucial time you could have been preparing for a move or creating a better situation where you currently reside. Make your decision soon and act accordingly. Act means take inspired action, not just sitting around in fear or daydreams. A tiny step in the right direction is at least a step in the right direction. :) Blessed Be!"
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