FYI: Saturn is in Scorpio from June 14th to September 17th (Saturn goes direct on August 1st.)
Saturn's retrograde into late degrees of Scorpio is a chance to give serious thought to mind control. Many vibe sensors have written about a disturbance in the psycho-sphere. There's a buzz from the spirited aspects, but there's also something dark brewing, possibly due to this Charleston event. As a Southerner, I cringe to see people reducing such rich and complex history to reactive, politically correct tweets. What is going on here? If you want to look beyond the surface of this, I recommend Jay Dyer's interview on Red Ice Radio. The Mediacracy Do you believe everything you see on Tell-a-Vision? Scorpio is the sign of the unconscious, and triggers and tools used to hold sway over another. It's there in advertising, in these anxiety-spiking news dramas, and in movies and television. Some tools are hypnotic, as they create a suggestible state, and are enhanced by television's alpha state, and drugs. I just heard a an interview with Eldon Taylor, an expert in subliminal communication and hypnosis, who says we live now in a mediacracy. He talked about mind tech known to advertisers, and it's to do with inducing anxiety, either through activating the sex or violence (and death) impulses. Scorpio relates to sex and death, and activating these impulses make us tense -- basically it destabilizes us -- and then the solution is given there, with a product, or a solution. Once we are reacting -- to the latest meme or to events staged to spike tension -- we are under the spell of others. It's a kind of sorcery, because it's a way of managing the human spirit. A known technique of mind control is love bombing the target, and this was a major theme of the recent one-two punch. With love bombing, "The “mark” does not realize that their reasoning shifts from an objective perspective into a very subjective, emotional and experiential one." While this emotional lovefest has been going on, the stealthy TPP trade agreement has moved forward. Read more in Hoodwinked: Fast-Track Trade Agenda Moves Forward in Wake of Contrived Crisis. What's Bedeviling Us? Of all the signs, Scorpio is the one that doesn't fear these kinds of inquiries. And Saturn lends the seriousness to the topic of mind control, and humanity being steered through conditioned responses. Saturn can show us that it's a cultural-scaffolding that's there, and we are living within it, but can break free from its hold. The Devil card in the Tarot relates to Saturn and often depicts a man and woman either asleep or in chains, bound to a force that they don't even know is there. Scorpiocity alerts us to devilry that keeps us spellbound. And like seeing how a magic trick is done, once we see through it, we start to feel freer, and see the obvious stagecrafting. There is something odd going on, and once you see it, you break free from others' dark visions of the future. You can see the oldest trick in the book through divide-and-conquer with mind control imprinting. Robert Phoenix breaks down Charleston, as only the latest in a long line of faux crises, that keep us paradoxically in the emotional shallow end. With Scorpio, we want to get to the heart of what's going on, and transform it. He writes, "One of the things that I have been contemplating as of late is how grief, when it is manufactured, as it is in ALL false flag events, robs us of our ability to get down to the bottom of our suffering and truly let it out, fully and thus setting the table for a deeper level of real transformation. In essence, by staging these events, we respond to synthetic emotional presets and we can never really have a true, emotional catharsis." He continues, "It’s deviant level of control that gives us an approximation of reality based on our emotional interactivity, but it’s completely false and reinforces the Maya of our existence. The world is an illusion because our emotional connection to it is staged at a very high level. Once we understand this and pierce the veil of sentimentality, the whole construct collapses. By refusing to be manipulated by the theater of the emotional simulacrum, we unplug from this world, leading us closer the words of the master, “To be in this world, but not of it.” Remembering Freedom In his article, the stimulus-response Empire, Jon Rappaport writes about the power of individual freedom over living a life in reaction to the orchestrations of the sorcerers. He writes, "If you recall, from your childhood, a peak experience, a few moments of sheer ecstasy, you are certainly remembering happiness. But you are also remembering freedom." He says we've come to think that this meme machine is gigantic, but we've got it wrong -- that individual freedom is what's gigantic. He continues, "Which leads to the question every individual must ask himself: what is my freedom for? For what action? Is it for bowing down to the Reality that has been artificially constructed for me and everyone else? Or is it for imagining and creating and inventing the reality and the future I most profoundly desire? Now we are getting to the pivot of this civilization. Which way will it ultimately swing? Toward the stimulus-response empire, or toward individual power?" Brighter Future Eldon Taylor, the expert on subliminal communication, agrees that consciousness is the firewall for these dirty tricks on the mind and humanity. And one way to do that is to wise up and educate yourself on mind control in all its forms. Once you see it, you spot it instantly, since there are templates used again and again. Right now, there are empowering hits that clear the fog and potentially break those trances and spells. Look at this time with Saturn in late degrees of Scorpio as master classes in seeing through the deceptions of our time. Then there's the jolty Uranian vibe, for envisioning a free future, and one that's from instinctual (not conditioned) responses. And it's parlaying with Jupiter, to reveal the giganticness of individual self-expression. We do not have to forsake our ancestors or be uprooted from the past, to have a bright future. I know I'm here because the men in my line came home, when so many never did.
9/28/2016 10:34:40 am
Oh, this is what I was supposed to read NOW. Excellent work and timeful insights. Thank you so much. Am sending you a book, by the way.
11/17/2016 12:06:57 am
It's 2016 now, after the elections and still so update to what is going on now! And we even have what they call "fake news" with a long list of websites we should avoid by all means.
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