Taurus Lunation: The craft and earth-wise instincts of Taurus are a path to adjust our aspirational aim.
One way to look at the Moon's cycle is as a lunation -- from New Moon to New Moon. So this Taurus New Moon (May 17/18th) includes the peak of the Full Moon on June 2nd at 12 degrees Sagittarius. How do the seeds sown in Taurus, bear fruit in Sagittarius? Free associate your Taurus impressions (here are mine): fertility, comfort, pleasure, craft, organic, rooted, earthed, sensual, voluptuous, hearty, conservation-minded, investments, artisan skills and goods, flavorful, ripening, well-tended. In what ways do these become the ground from which to reach out into the world, as seeker, adventurer or achiever? There's also here the rare wisdom path of the earthed sage -- the one with feet on the ground, intimate with their surroundings. There is so much to learn about Earth energies and the Real Power of Earthing to Heal. But when you're earthed for real, how does it alter the aspirations themselves? I've been feeling some aspirational befuddlement, and see a parallel with Neptune, working my own mutable energies. And that's coming up as a factor for all, with Neptune (Pisces) square to the Sagittarius Full Moon. A question to ponder could be - how does heightened awareness of all that's vibing me (nature, universe) alter my aim/aspirations? There can be a loosening of the hold of goals that seemed so solid before. In a time of such change, reality is fluid, old roles and dreams fall away like ill-fitting garments. Neptune in its long transit in Pisces dissolves and resolves, freeing us from thinking we must go a certain way in life....but without that sense of direction, there can be lostness. Coming back to the beginning, since we are still in the 3 day New Moon window, let's get back to basics, the dirt under our feet. It can be a relief to stand firm, and feel supported, especially when you're not sure where you're going. The Tarot card shown here is the Queen of Cups, from the Druid Craft Tarot Deck. Cups are the suit of the water element, but as with all the Court cards in this deck, she is standing on terra firma. The image is so au natural, and with the symbol of the cup, the waters that stir us in unexpected ways -- dreams, impressions, feelings, pulls from others, memories, past lives, imaginings. These all shape our sense of reality, and sense of direction The earth is physical reality in all its heaviness, pleasure, sensory delight or struggle. There's power in being grounded that helps not to be tossed about by the seas of inner and outer change. One way to Earth is to go barefoot, and I'll be doing that today, though I have to watch out for my nemesis -- the pine cone, of which we have many. The waning cycle is time to release and refine, and get ready for the Gemini New Moon on June 16, when the cycle begins again....
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