![]() Lately, I've been thinking about the responsibility that comes with knowledge. And asking myself the question, "Am I being true to what I know?" And an astro mirror here is Saturn retrograding in Sagittarius, the sign that makes leaps of logic, and dot connects in amazing ways. By the way, Saturn is retrograde from mid-March (4 Sag) to August 2nd (28 Scorpio). As I write, Saturn is at 2 degrees Sagittarius -- is it making angles to restore -- or reinforce -- what's true in your astro chart? The knowing of Sagittarius is way beyond this ubiquitous Smart that's looking real retarded in many ways. The knowing of Sagittarius is a fusion of intuition, instinct and something more.... While Saturn is in Sagittarius, it seems the truth seeker finds its credibility and wisdom-from-experience. This is potentially stabilizing and freeing, in a time when more are turning off toxic, phoney, scripted and lying establishment media. A boundary is being set, with what's clouding the truth. Some of the mainstream media people have lost their authority, due to being caught lying. Saturn says No, to liars, disinfo agents, propaganda cinema, weaponized memes, and divide & conquer schemes. This morning, I read some sunshiney news. That there's angst coming out of an establishment "think tank" about the rise of dramatically empowered individuals and groups. That would be anybody that doesn't want to be full spectrum dominated, tells the truth (about anything) or doesn't want a global government of psychopaths. Here at the end of the Uranus-Pluto square, that's a bright spot in a (still) very dark tunnel. The fight for the future is still on, and looks to be intensifying this year. That's why the fight for perception, and the consensus about what's true -- as the basis for society -- is being so vigorously fought over. Saying No, To Create Boundaries The dramatically empowered individual (or group) is one that stands in the courage of their convictions. As Saturn moves back into Scorpio, it's worth tracking what keeps that vibrant voice silenced. We're inundated with info that pulls on our energy, muddies the water, or tweaks primal fears. This is a great time to be cleansed from the poisoned well that has tainted many currents of culture. On Saturn when it's retrograde in the birth chart, Lynn Koiner writes, "The most common flaw is the tendency to say YES when we should say NO, especially in activities and relationships ruled by Saturn’s house position." Saying Yes, for a Big Vision Taking the scythe of Saturn to what sabotages your truth meter, can bring in fresh vitality. I like Lynn Koiner's description of learning the lessons of Saturn, as saying No before you get frustrated, not after. So let me ask you this -- does the TMI of our culture frustrate you? Is it time to cut out anything that causes you to lose confidence in your instinctive knowing? Does the fear of the reactions of others -- the psychic debris that could come out explosively -- keep you silent? By Summer's end, a reinvigorated vision for the the future could be freed up. As Saturn dips back into soulful Scorpio, we can see into what hooks us psychologically, and why. This could be the Summer of popping psyops and entrancements in their tracks. And seeing the dramatically empowered individuals and groups live into big, worthy visions. That sounds like a jovial future to me! Here's something to ponder from Bruce Lipton - You can use 100% of your brain, by going beyond habitual patterns. Oh, and crossing your arms and legs. Smile....
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